Friday, 20 July 2012


Here are a list of tips I try to cultivate on the yellow bus,and believe me they have been helpful.In the next couple of months ,we will distribute these tips in flyer forms and circulate to many boarding the yellow buses.Our hope is that it will help change a whole lot of things on our yellow buses.
Courtesy means a lot of things:Consideration for others, politeness,good manners and many others.On the yellow buses,the following courteous manners just might help you enjoy your ride better.If we adopt these attitudes,we would be stamping out HATE,ANGER AND VIOLENCE on our buses.Lets take a look at them.    
They say respect is reciprocal.When you get on the yellow bus,choose to respect the driver or conductor,many times I try greet the conductor by saying hello,most times i get a greeting back,sometimes I forgo a small change, I also try to say a thank you when alighting a danfo.It doesn't mean I want to get a response to my greetings,it only shows that I respect myself,and by extension extend that respect to the driver and conductor, after-all they are human.

Try to be patient with the driver, conductor or fellow passengers.Particularly when it has to do with change collection.This is usually very hard to do because most times the conductor has forgotten,or is really out to short change you.A little patience and a low tone but firm voice will do the magic.   
Please do not fight.Fighting demeans a person,the end results are usually not predictable.A well cultured and well mannered person must not fight.Whatever happens take a deep breath,count to 10 and don't throw a fist.   
Don't intrude on the space of others.Create space for other passengers,this usually causes tempers to rise.Treat others as you would want to be treated.Don't shout while receiving a call,don't spit in the bus,don't stick chewing gums on the seats,cover mouth when coughing.Actions like this show that you are well cultured.
Swear words on the yellow buses have become common place,when angry the nastiest words come out of the mouth of  people,why should you trade words with a danfo driver or conductor to the point where they rain insults on your mother,father and your entire generation?Obviously you can't win in such trade of words,courtesy will demand that you don't bring yourself that low.   


  1. Nice Piece....Counting to 10 good idea.If it doesn't work the first time count again.

  2. Great! Good job. Involve more of us if you so desire. Keep up the spirit
